Download the mobile bank and get an overview of your finances when you are on the go. With the mobile bank from KLP, you get quick access to the same services you find in the online bank. You easily check the balance and how much you have left over before the next salary. In addition, you can transfer money, make payments, approve eFaktura, check the due list and latest movements - and everything else you do in the online bank. You will receive notifications about, for example, new eInvoices, stopped payments and messages from the bank, as well as tips and information tailored to you. Activate the mobile bankOnce you have downloaded the app, you must identify yourself. You can identify yourself with BankID, BankID on your mobile or code chip from KLP Banken. You select a personal 4-digit code during activation. We recommend that you create a different code than the one you use to unlock the phone. The code is used for login and payment. If your phone supports fingerprint reading, you can choose to use it instead of 4-digit code.